Impressions of Comic Con Scotland

I've been developing some of the photos I took at the weekend's Comic Con in Ingliston. The first batch is the Saturday shots.

This is a fun event, especially if you are a fan of genre movies. Loads of guests, especially Christopher Lloyd, loads of props and movie sets to play in and take selfies. However, I'm not sure it's a good match for a small press comic trader like myself. The stalls that were selling movie franchised merchandise did a lot better. I think, in another year, I'd just go along for the day and enjoy the event.

My Trusty Sidekick

Rub shoulders with the superheroes.

Yes - real live daleks and robots.

The Doc checks over the DeLorean.

Some of the cosplayers had special dietary requirements. This one only ate bantha and jedi.

? and Rorshach stopped by at our table.

Ann checks out the amazing handbag stall next door. Avengers, X-men and Harry Potter styles available.

Sometimes the cosplayers teamed up with the stall holders.


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