Shoreline of Infinity wins British Fantasy Society Award 2018 for best magazine

BFS-Award-bookending-a-pile-of-ShorelinesBFS Award for best magazine bookending a pile of Shoreline of Infinities

Guest post by Noel Chidwick

The award was presented at the weekend at the annual British Fantasy Convention held this year in Chester. This was our first nomination, and we were up against some pretty tough competition; we are, as you can imagine, dead chuffed.

Shoreline of Infinity Science Fiction Magazine was launched in July 2015 and to win the award for Britain’s best science fiction/fantasy magazine in such a short time is an honour indeed. We’re based in Edinburgh, but the magazine is read world-wide and it’s a great privilege to present Scotland at its finest in genre fiction. Shoreline of Infinity is truly international: we’re proud to showcase not only Scottish creative talent, but also writers and artists from all over the world.

The team behind Shoreline of Infinity are:  myself, Noel Chidwick – co-founder, Editor-in-Chief and Editor; Mark Toner – co-founder, Art Director; and Russell Jones – Deputy Editor and Poetry Editor.

More than that, we have a great team of volunteers working with us, including Pippa Goldschmidt and Caroline Grebbell who edited Issue 11, Samantha Dolan as Reviews Editor and Monica Burns, Iain Maloney, Andrew J Wilson and Jo McLaughlin all in various capacities.
We’re also grateful to everyone who has pitched in as submissions readers and proof readers.

We’ve been blessed with great stories, poems, artwork, reviews, articles, interviews from talented writers and artists, new and not so new, so thanks to you all for your contributions. And thanks to our readers and subscribers who have kindly offered their groats in exchange for our words and pictures. Long may that continue.

A puzzled Editor still wondering what the heck just happened there? pic: Ruth EJ Booth

On a personal note, Shoreline of Infinity is my thank you to Scotland and the people of Scotland for being so welcoming to me when I came to study and live in Edinburgh back in 1981, and for being a wonderful, nurturing place for developing new ideas. The spirit of the Scottish Enlightenment lives on.

—Noel Chidwick,
Editor-in-Chief and Editor
of Shoreline of Infinity Science Fiction Magazine
22nd October 2018.

Full list of winners:

About Shoreline of Infinity

Shoreline of Infinity publish a quarterly science fiction magazine featuring new short stories, poetry, artwork, reviews interviews and articles. Writers we’ve published include: Iain M Banks, Jane Yolen, Nalo Hopkison, Charles Stross, Eric Brown, Ken MacLeod, Aliette de Bodard, Ada Palmer, Gary Gibson, Jeannette Ng, Adam Roberts, Jo Walton, Pippa Goldschmidt, Adrian Tchaikovsky. We’re equally proud of all the new writers we’ve published and helped to launch.
Shoreline of Infinity also hosts our highly regarded Event Horizon – a monthly live science fiction cabaret in Edinburgh, and is soon to launch a podcast – Shoreline of Infinity’s Soundwave, featuring interviews, audio dramas and readings.

Shoreline of Infinity science fiction magazine is published quarterly in paperback and digital formats and is available from our own website and all good bookshops worldwide.

Shoreline of Infinity website:
Twitter: @shoreinf


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